Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come, O Holy Spirit,/ Fill the hearts of your faithful/and kindle in them/the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit/and they shall be created. /And you shall renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray: O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful,/ by the light of the Holy Spirit,/ grant us that by the gift of the same Spirit,/ we may be always truly wise,/ and ever rejoice in his consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Queen conceived without sin,            pray for us.

(A Pause for Examination of Conscience)

Act of Contrition

God, our loving Father,/ I am exceedingly sorry/ for having offended you,/ because you are infinitely good/ and deserve all my love,/ and because sin displeases you. Through my sins/ I have defiled my soul,/ lost heaven/ and deserved the fire of hell. I humbly ask your pardon/ through the merits of Jesus Christ/ and I firmly resolve/ with the help of your divine grace/ to offend you no more,/ to do penance for my sins/ and to avoid the occasions of sin. Amen.


Prayer to St. Vincent

St. Vincent, our father/ and heavenly patron of all charitable works,/ we praise you. You are the reformer of the clergy,/ and the merciful father of the destitute/ and the suffering. You have never turned your eyes away/ from those/ who have taken recourse to your mediation. Hear our petitions. We request you/ to intercede for the poor,/ the destitute,/ the sick and the sinners. Inspire the rich to be magnanimous,/ and the clergy to be zealous. Let there be peace among the nations/ through your mediation. Help us to imitate Christ more closely/ according to your example,/ and to dedicate ourselves totally/ for the service of God and His people/ and to make progress/ in the path of love and service. We, your children,/ request these graces/ from Our Lord Jesus Christ/ through your powerful intercession. Amen.


Prayer for Vincentian Vocation

God our Father,/ bless young people/ with the gift of vocation/ to priesthood and
consecrated life/ and the courage to respond to your call. Open their hearts/ to the values of your Kingdom,/ and inspire them/ to lead a holy life. “The harvest is great indeed,/ but the labourers are few”. We beseech you, therefore,/ Lord of the harvest,/ to send more labourers/ to the Vincentian Congregation,/ to preach the Good News to the poor,/ to comfort theafflicted,/ to strengthen your people/ by the administration of sacraments/ and to guide the youth/ with your wisdom and hope.
Preserve in your name/ those whom you have called/ and sanctify them in truth. Amen.


Prayer for the Canonization of
Servant of God Fr. Varkey Kattarath

Almighty Father,/ we thank you for Servant of God/ Fr. Varkey Kattarath/ who, aflame with intense love for you,/ led an austere priestly life. Inspired by the example of St. Vincent de Paul,/ he practised the precepts of the Gospel/ with great care for the poor and the afflicted/ and founded the Vincentian Congregation. May he be included and venerated/ among the Saints in your Holy Church.

   Oh! merciful Father,/ we humbly pray,/  grant us this special favour...(mention the
favour)... for Your glory/ and the Canonization of Servant of God/ Fr. Varkey Kattarath. Amen.

(1 Our Father, I Hail Mary, I Glory be ...)